Cyberpunk-style scene

CORTEX IMPLANT is a Mastodon and Akkoma instance for all cyberpunks and edgerunners who survived the big DataKrash and want to stay independent and hide from NetWatch.

Never heard of the Fediverse, let alone Mastodon or Akkoma? Let's break it down real quick. Imagine a social network not run by corporations but with cool emotes. Picture a social media platform that doesn't sell your data or misuse it in any shady way. Isn't that the essence of cyberpunk—finally being independent?

Link your cyberware and connect with creative LGBTQIA+ friendly netrunners, solos, fixers, nomads, techies, medias, corpos and rockers from all over the world behind a heavy ICE.


Mastodon Logo Mastodon Akkoma Logo Akkoma

Curious about what CORTEX IMPLANT is all about?

Founded in 2022 by Revengeday, a techno musician from Berlin, CORTEX IMPLANT was created to connect Cyberpunks, Edgerunners, and like-minded souls from around the globe.

It took off so well that CORTEX IMPLANT is now one of the largest cyberpunk-themed instances on the Fediverse.

Wanna chat?

You can find our community on Matrix, Lucy, and Discord. Chat with nice cyberpunks, edgerunners and techies from your area.

Hack the Planet Stickers

Latest Posts

ink 8 minutes ago 💬

@stdevel in ein framework, dass 10min vor dem ram geliefert wurde 🤡
Über das scheint aber kein Gabelstapler gefahren zu sein

Beutel 🏳️‍🌈 13 minutes ago 💬

*hmpf* AntiMerz/CDU/AFD/FDP Demo mit Gesundheit bezahlt. Blöder Deal :(

Avatar 9 hours ago 💬

Sent by Dave Pendergast from San Francisco, California, U.S.A. on March 21, 1995.

T-TR0N 📡💊💣 16 minutes ago 💬

@dalfuss :JitterEyes: Welch impertinente Nickeligkeit. Ein wahrhaft dicker Hund! Danke, Merkel.

Sam Mausfuss :verified_gay:​ 21 minutes ago 💬

@THOMSOTRON Frau Doktor Angela Merkel! Man fasse es kaum!


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